Zaixing Wu, Zhiming Yu, Xiuxian Song, Wentao Wang, Peng Zhou, Xihua Cao, Yongquan Yuan, 2019. Key nitrogen biogeochemical processes in the South Yellow Sea revealed by dual stable isotopes of nitrate. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 225 (2019)106222: 1-10.
Zaixing Wu, Zhiming Yu, Xiuxian Song, et al., 2019. Comparison and application of two symptom-based eutrophication assessment method using Jiaozhou Bay case study. Journal of Oceanology and Liminology. 37(5): 1582-1594.
Wu Zaixing, Yu Zhiming, Song Xiuxian, Yuan Yongquan, Cao Xihua, Liang Yubo, 2013. The spatial and temporal characteristics of harmful algal blooms in the southwest Bohai Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 59: 10-17.
Wu Zaixing, Yu Zhiming, Song Xiuxian, Yuan Yongquan, Cao Xihua, Liang Yubo, 2013. Application of an integrated methodology for eutrophication assessment: a case study in Bohai Sea. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and imnology, 31(5):1064-1078.
Zaixing Wu, Zhiming Yu, Xiuxian Song,Yanfeng Li,Xihua Cao,Yongquan Yuan, 2016. A methodology for assessing and mapping pressure of human activities on coastal region based on stepwise logic decision process and GIS technology, Ocean & Coastal Management, 2.01, 120:80~87
Zaixing Wu, Zhiming Yu. 2014. Application of the NOWPAP Common Procedure for Eutrophication Assessment in Selected Sea Areas in the NOWPAP Region, Report for UNEP NOWPAP.
Zaixing Wu, Zhiming Yu. 2017. Potential eutrophic zones of NOWPAP sea areas of China: Trial application of screening procedure of NOWPAP Common Procedure, Report for NOWPAP/CEARAC.
Xuning Lv, Zaixing Wu, Xiuxian Song, Yongquan Yuan, Xihua Cao, Zhiming Yu. 2019. Nutritional strategy for the preferential uptake of NO3--N by Phaeocystis globose, Hydrobiologia, 843:109-122
Liu Shanshan, Yu Zhiming, Wu Zaixing, Xiuxian Song, Cao Xihua. Algicidal substances of Brevibacillus laterosporus and their effect on red tide organisms. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023, 13.
Wentao Wang, Zhiming Yu, Zaixing Wu, Shuqun Song, Xiuxian Song, Yongquan Yuan, Xihua Cao, 2018. Rates of nitrification and nitrate assimilation in the Changjiang River estuary and adjacent waters based on the nitrogen isotope dilution method, Continental Shelf Research,163:35-43.
Lianbao Chi, Yu Ding, Liyan He, Zaixing Wu, Yongquan Yuan, Xihua Cao, Xiuxian Song, Zhiming Yu, Application of modified clay in intensive mariculture pond: Impacts on nutrients and phytoplankton, Frontiers in Marine Science,2022,8. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2022.976353.
吴在兴,俞志明,宋秀贤,袁涌铨,曹西华,2014。 基于水质状态和生态响应的综合富营养化评价模型—以山东半岛典型海域富营养化评价为例,海洋与湖沼,59(1): 20-31。
俞志明,于海燕,吴在兴。2016. 一种海水中硝酸盐氮氧稳定同位素测定的方法,专利号:ZL201410419225.0. (中国发明专利)
Device and method for treating harmful algal blooms using modified caly,US 10822258 B2,Xihua Cao, Zhiming Yu, Xiuxian Song, Yongquan Yuan, Zaixing Wu, Liyan He(美国发明专利)