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S. Sun, A. Adrianov, K. Lutaenko, X. Sun, 2014. Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Northwest Pacific Ocean, Science Press, Beijing.
Sun X, Liu T, Zhu M, et al. Retention and characteristics of microplastics in natural zooplankton taxa from the East China Sea.[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, s 640–641:232-242.
Sun X, Liang J, Zhu M, et al. Microplastics in seawater and zooplankton from the Yellow Sea.[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 242,585-595.
Xiaoxia Sun, Qingjie Li, Mingliang Zhu, Junhua Liang, Shan Zheng, Yongfang Zhao, 2017, Ingestion ofmicroplastics by natural zooplankton groups in the northern South China Sea, Marine Pollution Bulletin 115 (2017) 217–224.
YANG Yang, SUN Xiaoxia, ZHAO Yongfang. Effects of Lugol’s iodine solution and formalin on cell volume of three bloom-forming dinofl agellates[J].Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00343-017-5378-0
YANG Yang, SUN Xiaoxia, ZHAO Yongfang. Effects of Lugol’s iodine solution and formalin on cell volume of three bloom-forming dinoflagellates. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00343-017-5378-0
Li Junlei ,Sun Xiaoxia,Zheng Shan .In situ study on photosynthetic characteristics of phytoplankton in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea in summer 2013[J].Journal of Marine Systems,2016,160(0):94-106
Li Junlei ,Sun Xiaoxia.Effects of different phosphorus concentrations and N/P ratios on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Skeletonema costatum and Prorocentrum donghaiense[J].Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2016, 34(6): 1158-1172
Dai Luping, Li Chaolun,Yang Guang ,Sun Xiaoxia. Zooplankton abundance, biovolume and size spectra at western boundary currents in the subtropical North Pacific during winter 2012[J].Journal of Marine Systems,2016,155():73-83
Tills,Sun Xiaoxia, S.D. Rundle , T. Heimbach, T. Gibson, A. Cartwright, M. Palmer,T. Rudin-Bitterli, J.I. Spicer.Reduced pH affects pulsing behaviour and body size in ephyrae of the moon jellyfish, Aurelia aurita[J].Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,2016,480:54-61
Song Sun, Fang Zhang, Chaolun Li, Shiwei Wang, Minxiao Wang, Zhencheng Tao, Yantao Wang, Xiaoxia Sun.Breeding places, population development and distribution patterns of the giant jellyfish Nemopilemanomurai(Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae) in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea[J].Hydrobiologia, 2015, 754 (1): 59-74
Zheng Shan, Sun Xiaoxia, Wang Yantao, Sun Song.Significance of different microalgal species for growth of moon jellyfish ephyrae, Aurelia sp.1[J].Journal of Ocean University China,2015,14(5):823-828
Ian R. Jenkinson, Xiaoxia Sun, Laurent Seuront.Thalassorheology, organic matter and plankton: towards a more viscous approach in plankton ecology[J].Journal Plankton Research,2015,0(0):10.1093/plankt/fbv071
Sun Song, Li Yinghong, Sun Xiaoxia*,2012, Changes in the small jellyfish community in recent decades in Jiaozhou Bay, China,Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 30(4): 507-518.
Pieter Vandromme, Lars Stemmanna, Carmen Garcìa-Comas, Léo Berline, Xiaoxia Sund, Gaby Gorsky, 2012. Assessing biases in computing size spectra of automatically classified zooplankton from imaging systems: A case study with the ZooScan integrated system, Methods in Oceanography 1–2: 3–21.
Xiaoxia Sun, Eunki Kim, Song Sun, 2010, Laboratory study on ecological impact of sophorolipid used for harmful algae elimination, Chinese Journal of Oceanology & Limnology, 28 (6): 1240-1247.
Xiaoxia SUN, Shiwei WANG, Song SUN, 2011. Introduction to the China Jellyfish Project, Chinese Journal of Oceanology & Limnology, 29 (2): 491-492.
Xiaoxia Sun, Joongki Choi, Eunki Kim, 2004, A preliminary study on the mechanism of harmful algal bloom mitigation by use of sophorolipid treatment, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 304(1): 35-49.
Xiaoxia Sun, Joongki Choi, 2004, Recovery and fate of three species of marine dinoflagellates after yellow clay flocculation, Hydrobiologia, 519(1-3): 153-165.
Xiaoxia Sun, Youngju Lee, Joongki Choi, Eunki Kim, 2004, Synergistic effect of sophorolipid and loess combination in harmful algal blooms mitigation, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 48(9-10): 863-872.
Xiaoxia Sun, Kyeongnam Han, Joongki Choi, Eunki Kim, 2004, Screening of surfactants for harmful algal blooms mitigation, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 48(9-10): 937-945.
Seunghak Baek, Xiaoxia Sun, et al, 2003, Mitigation of harmful algal blooms by sophorolipid, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 13 (5): 651-659.
Xiaoxia Sun, Zhang Bo, Yu Zhiming, 2001, Toxicity study of anti-HABs agents on Chinensis Penaeus, Marine Science Bulletin, 3(1): 51-54.