








中国科学院海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室,E-mail: taozc@qdio.ac.cn,Tel: 0532-82898862, 13573828090


1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,41306155,黄海太平洋磷虾摄食率和摄食习性研究,2014.1-2016.12,24万元,主持项目

2. 中国科学院,重大科技基础设施维修改造项目,DSS-WXGZ-2018-0002,MultiNet浮游生物连续采样系统升级,2018.3-2019.6,355万元,主持项目

3. 中国科学院,“科学”号高端用户项目,KEXUE2018G17,一种走航拖曳式高速浮游生物采集系统的设计与应用,2018.7-2019.12,20万元,主持项目

4. 国家海洋局,中国极地科学战略研究基金,20120308,南极磷虾摄食习性研究,2013.01-2014.12,3万元,主持项目

5. 国家海洋局,“全球变化与海气相互作用”专项,GASI-02-PAC-STMSspr,西太平洋中南部水体综合调查春季航次,2017.1-2019.12,1596万元,主持课题

6. 国家海洋局,“南北极环境综合考察与评估”专项,CHINARE2012-01-06,南极周边海域磷虾等生物资源考察与评估,2012.01-2016.12,108万元,主持课题

7. 国家自然科学基金委员会,重大项目,42090044,海洋环境-生物互作关系及其演化趋势的信息集成与智能分析,2021.1-2025.12,600万元,主持子课题

8. 科学技术部,科技基础资源调查专项,2017FY100800,西太平洋典型海山生态系统科学调查,2017.2-2022.1,1816万元,主持子课题

9. 科学技术部,国家重点研发计划项目,2017YFC1404400,我国近海水母灾害的形成机理、监测预测及评估防治技术,2017.07-2022.6,1500万元,主持子课题


1. 海洋科学技术奖,一等奖,黄东海大型致灾水母生活史及其灾害发生机制,孙松、李超伦、张芳、冯颂、王世伟、孙晓霞、张光涛、陶振铖、王彦涛、王楠、王敏晓、金鑫、郑珊、赵永芳、吉鹏,证书编号:HKJ2018-G-1-A15-08。

2. 论文“Population distribution, structure and growth conditions of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) during the austral summer in the Southern Ocean”(通讯作者)获得《Advances in Polar Science》“2014-2015年度极地研究青年优秀论文奖”

3. 2008-2010年,连续三年获得“中国极地考察优秀考察队员”荣誉称号。


1. Tao Z C, Xian H C, Luan Z D, Nan F, Wang Y Q, Sun S. (2022) The diel vertical distribution and carbon biomass of the zooplankton community in the Caroline Seamount area of the western tropical Pacific Ocean. Scientific Reports, 12:18908.

2. Tao Z C, Wang Y Q, Wang J J, Liu M T, Zhang W C. (2019) Photobehaviors of the calanoid copepod Calanus sinicus to visible and UV-B radiation as a function of wavelength and intensity. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 37(4): 1289-1300.

3. Tao Z C, Li C L, Sun S. (2015) Grazing and Metabolism of Euphausia pacifica in the Yellow Sea. PLOS ONE, 10(2): e0115825.

4. Zhang Z, Tao Z C#*, Gao X T, Wang L, Sun S*. (2022) Effects of Temperature and Food Concentration on the Population Recruitment of Acartia bifilosa (Copepoda, Calanoida): Implications for the Over-Summering Life History Strategy in Jiaozhou Bay. Water, 14, 3541.

5. Wang Y Q#, Tao Z C#, Li C L, Liu M T. (2022) Factors affecting lipid and fatty acid composition of Calanus sinicus in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea in spring. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 40(1): 173-182.

6. Liu M T#, Tao Z C#*, Zhang Y, Yang G, Sun S. (2019) Feeding strategies of Euphausia superba in the eastern South Shetland Islands in austral summer. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38(10): 75-83.

7. Wang J J#, Tao Z C#, Wang Y T, Wei H, Liu X, Li C L. (2020) Effects of Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Plant on the Zooplankton Community in Summer of 2017. Journal of Ocean University of China, 19: 1140-1152.

8. Zhang X, Wang Y H*, Zhang D M, Tao Z C*. (2022) A Comparative Study of CoNi-LDH/ZnO Film for Photocathodic Protection Applications in the Marine Environment. Frontiers in Materials, 9. doi:10.3389/fmats.2022.904555.

9. Liang C, Li H B, Zhang W C*, Tao Z C*, Zhao Y. (2020) Changes in Tintinnid Assemblages from Subantarctic Zone to Antarctic Zone Along Transect in Amundsen Sea West Antarctica in Early Austral Autumn. Journal of Ocean University of China, 19(2): 339-350.

10. Wang Y H, Zhen C, Zhang Z, Tao Z C*. (2020) Corrosion behavior of an AZ91D magnesium alloy under a heterogeneous electrolyte layer. PLOS ONE, 15(6): e0234981.

11. Sun S, Tao Z C, Li C L, Liu H L. Spatial distribution and population structure of Euphausia pacifica in the Yellow Sea (2006-2007). Journal of Plankton Research, 33(6): 873-889.

12. 黄洪亮, 陶振铖等. 2016. 南极周边海域磷虾等生物资源考察与评估. 北京:海洋出版社.

13. 张武昌, 陶振铖, 赵苑, 金鑫. 2019. 中国海浮游桡足类图谱(第二版). 北京: 科学出版社.