


安全自主地发展沿海核电,是我国推进能源结构优化升级的重要举措。核电材料、设施服役环境复杂苛刻,材料腐蚀是引发核电设施失效的重要原因。因此,在我国核电发展进入规模化的新形势下,开展核电材料腐蚀性质与腐蚀防护技术的研究,与核电安全息息相关,符合国家重大需求。主要从事核电材料腐蚀与防护、腐蚀监测、光电阴极保护、光电化学传感等研究。近年来主持国家自然科学基金、中国科学院人才项目基金。迄今共发表SCI收录论文四十余篇,其中以第一作者、通讯作者身份,在Environmental Science & Technology, Corrosion Science等权威期刊发表论文三十篇。

一、 研究领域

1. 核电材料腐蚀与防护

2. 腐蚀监测

3. 光电阴极保护

4. 光电化学传感

二、 招生专业及方向


三、 研究室及联系方式



四、 承担的主要科研项目

1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目2020/01-2022/12,主持,已结题;

2. 中国科学院人才项目,2022.01-2025.01,主持,在研;

3. 中国科学院人才项目,2019.03-2021.03,主持,已结题;

4. 中国科学院海洋研究所自选/知识创新工程,2019.04-2022.12,主持,已结题。

五、  研究成果及奖励

Christian Sivertz奖学金加拿大西安大略大学2012年


六、 代表性论文及著作

1. Nazhen Liu, Linda Wu, Zack Qin, David W. Shoesmith*, Roles of Radiolytic and Externally Generated H2 in the Corrosion of Fractured Spent Nuclear Fuel, Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50, 1234812355.(环境科学一区TOP期刊)

2. Nazhen Liu*, Fraser King, James J. Noel*, David W. Shoesmith, An Electrochemical and Radiolytic Study of the Effects of H2 on the Corrosion of UO2-based Materials, Corrosion Science, 2021, 192, 109776. (腐蚀科学一区TOP期刊)

3. Xiangju Liu, Nazhen Liu*, James Noel, David Shoesmith, Jian Chen, Baorong Hou, The influence of hydrogen permeation on the protection performance of the Cu coating of nuclear waste containers, Corrosion Science, 2023, 221, 111314. (腐蚀科学一区TOP期刊)

4. Chunli Wang#, Wei Gao#, Nazhen Liu*, Yu Xin, Xinyu Liu, Xiutong Wang, Yong Tian, Xuwei Chen*, Baorong Hou, Covalent Organic Framework Decorated TiO2 Nanotube Arrays for Photoelectrochemical Cathodic Protection of Steel, Corrosion Science, 2020, 176, 108920. (腐蚀科学一区TOP期刊)

5. Yuanxia Wang, Nazhen Liu*, Xiangju Liu, Xinyu Liu, Congtao Sun, Xuwei Chen*, Baorong Hou, In-situ monitoring of pH and Cl concentration and rebar corrosion at rebar/mortar interface, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 400, 132712. (工程技术一区TOP期刊)

6. Chunli Wang, Nazhen Liu*, Xia Zhao, Yong Tian, Xuwei Chen, Yanfeng Zhang, Liang Fan*, Baorong Hou, C-doped BiOCl/Bi2S3 heterojunction for highly efficient photoelectrochemical detection and photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI), Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2023, 164, 188-197. (材料科学一区TOP期刊)

7. Nazhen Liu, Heming He, James J. Noel*, David W. Shoesmith*, The Electrochemical Study of Dy2O3 Doped UO2 in Slightly Alkaline Sodium Carbonate/bicarbonate and Phosphate Solutions, Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 235, 654663. (电化学TOP期刊)

8. Nazhen Liu, Jandee Kim, Jeongmook Lee, Young-Sang Youn, Jong-Goo Kim, Jong-Yun Kim*, James J. Noel, David W. Shoesmith*, Influence of Gd Doping on the Structure and Electrochemical Behavior of UO2, Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 247, 496504. (电化学TOP期刊)

9. Nazhen Liu, Zack Qin, James J. Noel*, David W. Shoesmith*, Modelling the Radiolytic Corrosion of α-doped UO2 and Spent Nuclear Fuel, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2017, 494, 8794. (核科学TOP期刊)

10. Nazhen Liu, Ziyan Zhu, James J. Noel, David W. Shoesmith*, Corrosion of Nuclear Fuel inside a Failed Waste Container, Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry, vol. 6, 172–182, 2018, Elsevier. 英文丛书章节