海洋生物分类与系统演化实验室,联系方式:邮箱:fzhao@qdio.ac.cn 电话:15336396326
[1] 国家自然科学基金、NO. 42376134、西太平洋海流和复杂地形驱动的纤毛虫基因流与群落结构变异研究、2024.1-2027.12、51万元、在研、主持.
[2] 国家自然科学基金、NO. 41976099、热带西北太平洋浮游纤毛虫多样性分布模式及主要控制因子研究、2020.1-2023.12、62万元、在研、主持.
[3] 国家重点研发计划-子课题、深海羽状流再沉积对底栖生物的影响和预测、2022YFC2803804-4、2022.11-2026.10、64万元,在研、主持
[4] 崂山实验室重大项目子课题、2022QNLM050102-2、深海真核微生物多样性扩布与连通机制、2022.05-2025.04、49万元、主持
[5] 中国科学院青年人才项目:青年创新促进会会员、2022206、2022.01-2025.12、80万元、主持
聚焦深海原生生物多样性研究,构建并优化了适用于深海的研究体系;系统报道了西太平洋海底典型生境中原生生物的本底构成,发现潜在纲级新阶元,揭示深海平原、海山、海沟和热液冷泉等孕育独特群落,不同生境间群落连通性低;海山区独特水文动力环境,联合中尺度涡,促进生物群落的垂向交换,可将深层生物带到上层;上层的北赤道流将中太平洋原生生物汇聚至西太平洋。勾勒了西太平洋深海原生生物分布格局,拓展了深海生物多样性认知的边界,相关成果被Science Advances和PNAS等期刊论文广泛引用。
[1] W Liu, F Zhao*(共同通讯), X Li, S Zheng, L Li, R Zhao, K Xu*. 2024. Enhanced nutrient supply promotes mutualistic interactions between cyanobacteria and bacteria in oligotrophic ocean. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 291: 20240788.
[2] L. Li, F. Zhao*(共同通讯), S. Filker , W. Liu, R. Zhao, Y. Wan, K. Xu*,2024, Microeukaryotes have unexpected importance in cold seep food webs through predation and parasitism. Progress in Oceanography, 222, 103216
[3] P. Huang, F. Zhao*(共同通讯), B Zhou, K. Xu*, 2024, Active microeukaryotes hold clues of effects of global warming on benthic diversity and connectivity in the coastal sediments. Ecological Indicators, 158, 111316
[4] R. Zhao#, F. Zhao#(共同一作), L Feng, J K-H Fang, C Liu, K. Xu. 2023. A Deep Seamount Effect Enhanced the Vertical Connectivity of the Planktonic Community Across 1000 m Above Summit. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128, e2022JC018898
[5] F. Zhao, Y. Wang, S. Zheng, R. Zhao, M. Lin, K. Xu. 2021. Patterns and drivers of microeukaryotic distribution along the North Equatorial Current from the Central Pacific Ocean to the South China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 165, 112091,
[6] F. Zhao, S. Filker, C. Wang, K. Xu*. 2021. Bathymetric gradient shapes the community composition rather than the species richness of deep-sea benthic ciliates. Science of the Total Environment, 755, 142623.
[7] F. Zhao, C. Wang, K. Xu*, P. Huang, T. Zhou. 2020. Diversity and connectivity of microeukaryote communities across multiple habitats from intertidal zone to deep-sea floor in the Western Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 165, 103395
[8] F. Zhao, S. Filker, K. Xu*, P. Huang, S. Zheng. 2020. Microeukaryote communities exhibit phyla-specific distance-decay patterns and an intimate link between seawater and sediment habitats in the Western Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 160, 103279.
[9] F. Zhao, S. Filker, K. Xu*, J. Li, T. Zhou & P. Huang. 2019. Effects of intragenomic polymorphism in the SSU rRNA gene on estimating marine microeukaryotic diversity: a test for ciliates using single-cell high-throughput DNA sequencing. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 17:533-543.
[10] F. Zhao, S. Filker, T. Stoeck, K. Xu*. 2017. Ciliate diversity and distribution patterns in the sediments of a seamount and adjacent abyssal plains in the tropical Western Pacific Ocean. BMC Microbiology, 17:192.