1. 国家重点研究计划子课题《船载软件的推广与应用》,2022.12-2025.11,30万,主持,在研。
2. 国家自然科学基金-面上基金《南海陵水冷水珊瑚礁:地球物理特征及成因研究》,2022.01-2025.12,60万,主持,在研。
3. 国家自然科学基金-面上基金项目《基于三维地震资料和底边界层潜标观测的珠江迁移峡谷的沉积过程研究》,2018.01-2021.12,69万,主持,已结题。
4. 2019年“科学”号高端用户《断裂活动对被动陆缘浅水区冷泉活动的控制作用》,2019.06-2020.05,25万,主持,已结题。
5. 2018年“科学”号高端用户《南海陆架边缘泥火山的海底观测及其形成机制研究》,2018.08-2019.07,25万,主持,已结题。
6. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)子课题《印太交汇区俯冲带浅表层结构及构造指示》,2020.01-2024.12,100.4万,参与,在研。
1. 在南海发现大规模冷水珊瑚丘的发育,填补西北太平洋海区典型冷水珊瑚丘研究的空白。
2. 证实埋藏滑坡可以诱发大规模地层流体活动观点。
3. 实施珠江迁移峡谷群的潜标观测,改变以往认识提出峡谷沉积主要受西向海流的影响。
4. 刻画及研究了南海北部陆坡区的海底地质灾害体的反射地震特征、分布和成因。
5. 提出东沙运动控制东沙隆起带大规模埋藏溶蚀垮塌的形成。
1. Zhao, M.-X., Zhong, Y., Zhang, S.-Q., Guo, P., Jiang, D.-P., Yan, H.-Q., Qiu, J.-W., Shi, Q., Chen, D.-X.*, 2023. Cold-water coral diversity along the continental shelf margin of northwestern South China Sea. Marine Environmental Research 190, 106110.
2. Tong, G., Chen, L.*, Zhang, G., Liu, J., Chen, B., Xu, G., Liu, M., An, Y., Chen, D.*, 2023. High-resolution record of temporal change in organic matter burial over the past ∼8,600 years on the northwestern continental slope of the South China Sea. Frontiers in Earth Science 11.
3. Chen, D. *, Zhang, G., Dong, D., Zhao, M., Wang, X., 2022. Widespread fluid seepage related to buried submarine landslide deposits in the northwestern South China Sea. Geophysical Research Letters 49, e2021GL096584.
4. Chen, D.*, Zhang, G., Wang, X., Wang, Z., Chen, S., Dong, D., 2021. Seismic features and origin of fluid escape pipes offshore Hainan Island on the northern slope of South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology 133, 105276.
5. Chen, D.*, Wang, X., Völker, D., Wu, S., Wang, L., Li, W., Li, Q., Zhu, Z., Li, C., Qin, Z., Sun, Q. Three dimensional seismic studies of deep-water hazard-related features on the northern slope of South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 2016, 77, 1125-1139.
6. Chen, D.*, Wu, S., Völker, D., Dong, D., Shi, H., Zhao, S., and Zhu, L, 2015. Tectonically induced, deep-burial paleo-collapses in the Zhujiang Miocene carbonate platform in the northern South China Sea, Marine Geology. 2015, 364, 43-52.
7. 刘铮,陈端新*,朱友生,张广旭,董冬冬. 基于水下自主航行器(AUV)的神狐峡谷谷底块体搬运沉积特征及其对深水峡谷物质输运过程的指示. 海洋地质与第四纪地质. 2021,41, 13-21.