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[1] Yuan, S., X. Yan*, L. Zhang*, C. Pang, and D. Hu, 2024: Observation of nearinertial waves induced by typhoon Lan in the Northwestern Pacific: Characteristics, energy fluxes and impact on diapycnal mixing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129, e2023JC020187

[2] Yan, X.*, D. Kang, E. N. Curchitser, X. Liu, C. Pang, and L. Zhang, 2023: Seasonal Variability of Eddy Kinetic Energy along the Kuroshio Current. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(7), 1731–1752

[3] Li M., C. Pang, X. Yan*, L. Zhang, and Z. Liu, 2023: Energetics of Multiscale Interactions in the Agulhas Retroflection Current System. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53, 457–476.

[4] Yan X.*, D. Kang, C. Pang, L. Zhang, and H. Liu, 2022: Energetics analysis of the eddy-Kuroshio interaction east of Taiwan. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52(4), 647-664.

[5] Yuan S., X. Yan*, L. Zhang*, B. Yang, C. Pang, and D. Hu, 2022: The near-inertial waves observed east of the Philippines. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 40, 1889-1908.

[6] Yan X.*, D. Kang, E. N. Curchitser, and C. Pang, 2019: Energetics of Eddy–Mean Flow Interactions along the Western Boundary Currents in the North Pacific. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49, 789–810.

[7] Yan X.*, X-H Zhu*, C. Pang, and L. Zhang, 2016: Effects of mesoscale eddies on the volume transport and branch pattern of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121(10), 7683-7700.

[8] Yan X., and C. Sun*, 2015: An altimetric transport index for Kuroshio inflow northeast of Taiwan Island. Science China Earth Sciences, 58(5), 697-706.

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