近年来以第一作者和通讯作者(含共通讯/共一),在GigaScience(IF=11.8)、Environmental Pollution (IF=10.0)、Environmental Research(IF=8.3)、 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules(IF=8.2)、Ecological Indicators(IF=7.0)、iScience (Cell 子刊)等国际权威SCI杂志发表研究论文100余篇;授权国家发明专利15项,其中,第一完成人授权国家发明专利14项,完成水产种质行业标准1项,获国际及省部级奖励8次。
1. 海洋鱼类种质遗传进化与繁殖发育研究
2. 海水鱼类种质资源挖掘利用及养殖新种质创制研究
1. 海洋生物学,基因组学方向
2. 水产养殖,养殖遗传学与育种生物技术方向
3. 生物与医药,海洋生物工程
联系方式:yongshuangxiao@qdio.ac.cn, 18669818213
5.山东省重点研发计划,条石鲷快速生长性状关联基因挖掘定位及应用(2017GHY15102), 2017/01-2018-12,30万元,主持,结题;
7.江苏省自然基金青年基金项目,夏鲆(♂)与牙鲆(♀)种间杂交后代不育及其遗传学机理研究(BK2012222),2012/01-2015/12, 20万元,主持,结题;
1.2024年获得18th NEW SCIENCE INVENTIONS “EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION”(第18届国际科学新发现奖-卓越创新奖)。Genome-wide investigation of the dmrt gene family sheds new insight into the regulation of sex differentiation in Spotted knifejaw (Oplegnathus punctatus) with fusion chromosomes (Y). 主要完成人:肖永双,赵海霞,李军,肖志忠。
2.2023年12th NEW SCIENCE INVENTIONS “BEST RESEARCHER AWARD”(第12届国际科学新发现奖-最佳研究员奖)。Morphological characteristics of beak-like tooth in spotted knifejaw (Oplegnathus punctatus) and mechanisms of dental development regulation by the Wnt, BMP, FGF and SHH signalling pathways. 主要完成人:肖永双,马玉婷,李军,肖志忠。
1.肖永双,吴燕铎,李军,肖志忠,马玉婷,赵海霞,马道远,刘静,一种斑石鲷RhoGEF10重组基因及性别鉴定方法和试剂盒。2022.05.06,中国,专利授权号:ZL 202210083551.3.
2.肖永双,马玉婷,李军,肖志忠,吴燕铎,赵海霞,马道远,斑石鲷雌雄遗传性别的特异性标记及鉴定方法和试剂盒,2022.05.06,中国,专利授权号:ZL 202210088031.1.
3.肖永双,李军,肖志忠,马道远,徐世宏,刘清华,一种褐牙鲆与其近缘外来物种种质间的PCR鉴定方法,2017.02.22,中国,专利授权号:ZL 2013 1 0246976.2.
4.肖永双,赵海霞,李军,肖志忠,刘静,马玉婷,吴燕铎,徐平蕊,张高植,杨子妍。斑石鲷amhr2基因内含子缺失变异分子标记、方法、引物对、应用和鉴定试剂盒。授权日期2024/5/28,专利号ZL 2024 1 0257085.5。
5.肖永双,李军,肖志忠,刘静,赵海霞,马玉婷,吴燕铎,徐平蕊,张高植,杨子妍。斑石鲷erc2基因内含子DNA插入变异的分子标记、引物对、检测方法、应用和试剂盒。授权日期2024/3/11,专利号ZL 2024 1 0269995.5。
1.Yongshuang Xiao#, Zhizhong Xiao#, Lin Liu#, Yuting Ma, Haixia Zhao, Yanduo Wu, Jinwei Huang, Pingrui Xu, Jing Liu*, Jun Li*. Innovative approach for high-throughput exploiting sex-specific markers in Japanese parrotfish Oplegnathus fasciatus. GigaScience. 2024, 13: 1-16. (Top期刊,JCR1,IF=11.8,第一作者).
2.Yongshuang Xiao#, Zhizhong Xiao#, Daoyuan Ma, Jing Liu*, Jun Li*. Genome sequence of the barred knifejaw Oplegnathus fasciatus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844) the first chromosome-level draft genome in the family Oplegnathidae. GigaScience. 2019, 8: 1-8. (Top期刊,JCR1,IF=11.8,第一作者).
3.Yongshuang Xiao, Jing Liu, Jiehong Wei, Zhizhong Xiao, Jun Li, Alfonso Aguilar-Perera, Angel Herrera-Ulloa. Future climate change accelerates the invasive rhythm of alien marine species: New insights into the invasive potential of the world's aquaculture species red drum Sciaenops ocellatus, Ecological Indicators, 2023, 155: 111069. (Top期刊,JCR1,IF=7.0,第一作者).
4.Yongshuang Xiao, Jing Liu*, Jiehong Wei, Zhizhong Xiao, Jun Li*, Yuting Ma. Improved high-quality reference genome of red drum facilitates the processes of resistance-related gene exploration. Scientific Data, 2023, 10: 774. (JCR1, IF=9.8,第一作者).
5.Yongshuang Xiao#, Zhizhong Xiao#, Daoyuan Ma, Chenxi Zhao, Lin Liu, Hao Wu, Wenchao Nie, Shijun Xiao, * Jing Liu* Jun Li* and Angel Herrera-Ulloa. Chromosome-level genome reveals the origin of neo-Y chromosome in the male barred knifejaw Oplegnathus fasciatus. iScience, 2020, 23:101039. (Cell 子刊,JCR1,第一作者).
6.Jiachen Yu#, Yongshuang Xiao#, Yanfeng Wang, Shihong Xu, Li Zhou, Jun Li*, Xian Li, Chronic nitrate exposure cause alteration of blood physiological parameters, redox status and apoptosis of juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), Environmental Pollution. 2021, 283: 117103. (Top期刊,JCR1,IF=10.0,共一作者)
7.Haixia Zhao#, Yongshuang Xiao#*, Zhizhong Xiao, Yanduo Wu, Yuting Ma, Jun Li*. Genome-wide investigation of the DMRT gene family sheds new insight into the regulation of sex differentiation in spotted knifejaw (Oplegnathus punctatus) with fusion chromosomes (Y). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 257: 128638. (Top期刊,JCR1,IF=8.2,共一/通讯作者).
8.Yuting Ma#, Yongshuang Xiao#*, Zhizhong Xiao, Jun Li*. Morphological characteristics of beak-like tooth in spotted knifejaw (Oplegnathus punctatus) and mechanisms of dental development regulation by the Wnt, BMP, FGF and SHH signalling pathways. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 250: 126188. (Top期刊,JCR1,IF=8.2,共一/通讯作者).
9.Yanduo Wu#, Yongshuang Xiao#*, Zhizhong Xiao, Wensheng Li, Jun Li*. Exploration and origin studies of high levels of β-glucosidase in carnivorous fishes spotted knifejaw (Oplegnathus punctatus). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 273: 132929. (Top期刊,JCR1,IF=8.2,共一/通讯作者).
10.Shaohua Chen#, Yongshuang Xiao#*, Zhizhong Xiao, Jun Li*, Angel Herrera-Ulloa. Suitable habitat shifts and ecological niche overlay assessments among benthic Oplegnathus species in response to climate change. Environmental Research, 2024, 252:119129. (Top期刊,JCR1,IF=8.3,共一兼通讯作者).
11.Shaohua Chen#, Yongshuang Xiao#*, Zhizhong Xiao, Daoyuan Ma, Jun Li, Angel Herrera-Ulloa. Prediction of suitable habitat shifts and assessment of ecological niche overlaps for three Tridentiger species with intertidal and subtidal characteristics under future climate changes. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2024, 198: 115827. (Top期刊,JCR1,IF=7.0,共一兼通讯作者).
12.Jiehong Wei#, Yongshuang Xiao#, Jing Liu*, Angel Herrera-Ulloa, Kar-Hoe Loh & Kuidong Xu*. Chromosome-level genome assembly of the silver pomfret Pampus argenteus. Scientific Data, 2024, 11: 234. (JCR1, IF=9.8,共一作者).