实验海洋生物学重点实验室,shangao@qdio.ac.cn, 0532-82898575
1. 2023年获得山东省优秀博士论文指导老师称号;
2. 2023年获中国科学院海洋研究所优秀个人;
3. 2021年获得山东省海洋与渔业科学技术奖--青年科技奖;
4. 2019年获中国科学院海洋研究所优秀个人;
5. 2018年获得青岛市自然科学三等奖(排名第二);
6. 2016年获得国家海洋局海洋科学技术二等奖(排名第四);
7. 2015年获中国科学院海洋研究所优秀个人;
9. 2014年获中国科学院海洋研究所优秀博士论文;
9. 2013年获中国科学院地奥一等奖学金;
11.2011年Plant and Cell Physiology论文获得中国海洋与湖沼学会藻类学分会第二届优秀论文二等奖;
1. Gao S, Yang W T, Li X, Zhou L, Liu X H, Wu S C, Wang L J, Wang G C* (2024) Cryptochrome PtCPF1 regulates high temperature acclimation of marine diatoms through coordination of iron and phosphorus uptake. The ISME Journal, 18(1), 1-14
2. Yang W T#, Gao S#, Bao M J, Li X, Liu Z Y, Wang G C* (2024) HSP70A promotes the photosynthetic activity of marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum under high temperature. the Plant Journal, 118, 2085-2093 (#同等贡献)
3. Yang W T, Zhou L, Zhuo J T, Li X, Wu S C, Yu G H, Gao S*, Wang G C*. (2023) Expression of secreted antimicrobial peptide in a marine diatom—Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Algal Research 75: 103270 (*共同通讯)
4. Zhou L#, Gao S#, Yang W T, Wu S C, Huan L, Xie X J, Wang X L, Lin S J*, Wang G C* (2022) Transcriptomic and metabolic signatures of diatom plasticity to light fluctuations. Plant Physiology, 2022: 190: 2295-2314. (#同等贡献)
5. Gao S#, Zhou L#, Yang WT, Wang L J, Liu X H, Gong, Y C, Hu Q, Wang G C* (2022) Overexpression of a novel gene (Pt2015) endows the commercial diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum high lipid content and grazing resistance. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts 15:131 (#同等贡献)
6. Yang WT, Zhou L, Wang J, Wang L J, Gao S*, Wang G C* (2022) Knockout of a diatom cryptochrome by CRISPR/Cas9 causes an increase in light-harvesting protein levels and accumulation of fucoxanthin. Algal Research, 66, 102822. (*共同通讯)
7. Zhou L, Wu S C, Gu W H, Wang L J, Wang J, Gao S*, Wang G C* (2021) Photosynthesis acclimation under severely fluctuating light conditions allows faster growth of diatoms compared with dinoflagellates. BMC Plant Biology, 21:164. (*共同通讯)
8. Zhou L#, Gao S#, Wu S C, Han D X, Wang H, Gu W H, Hu Q, Wang J, Wang G C* (2020) PGRL1 overexpression in Phaeodactylum tricornutum inhibits growth and reduces apparent PSII activity. The Plant Journal, 103, 1850–185. (#同等贡献)
9. Gao S#, Chi Z#, Chen H L, Zheng Z B, Weng Y X*, Wang G C* (2019) A supercomplex, approximately 720 kDa and composed of both photosystem reaction centers, dissipates excess energy by PSI in green macro-algae under salt stress. Plant & Cell Physiology, 60(1): 166–175. (#同等贡献)
10. Zheng Z B, Gao S*, Wang G C* (2019) High salt stress in the upper part of floating mats of Ulva prolifera, a species that causes green tides, enhances non photochemical quenching. Journal of Phycology, 55, 1041–1049. (*共同通讯)