 周丽 女 副研究员













2.国家重点研发计划项目子课题,深海采矿生物生境影响评估关键技术,2023-01-012025-12-31, 参与,骨干成员;



5.中国科学院海洋研究所知识创新工程领域前沿项目,深海大型生物环境适应性研究,2016-05-012020-12-31, 主持

6.国家重点研发计划项目子课题,深渊生物学资源勘探、获取和开发的前沿技术体系研究,2018-08-012021-12-31, 主持

7.青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室鳌山科技创新计划项目子课题,深海典型生境生物多样性与生态系统,2016-12-12017-12-31, 主持                           


主要从事热液冷泉大型生物极端环境适应性,以及深海采矿背景下深海大型生物对有害物质暴露的响应机制以及潜在生物标志物的挖掘。多次参加西太平洋热液冷泉综合航次调查,积累了丰富的深远海出海经验。作为国家大科学工程项目科学号深海科学考察船深海生物研究平台建设团队的骨干成员,参与多套深海原位实验设备的设计并成功应用,利用上述平台和设备初步构建了深海毒理学标准化的实验流程体系,为深海采矿环境影响评价体系建立提供了基础设备和数据支撑。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目以及面上项目,中科院先导专项B子课题,国家重点研发深渊项目子课题等,并在国际重要期刊Journal of Hazardous MaterialsScience of the Total EnvironmentAquatic ToxicologyAquaculture等上发表论文 25篇, 第一作者文章 11篇,授权实用新型专利10项。担任中国科学院大学研究生课程《数理统计与数值模拟在生物海洋学中的应用》主讲教师。


- 2022年度海洋科学技术一等奖 (成员,排名8/15

- 2016年度科技部创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队 (成员,排名13/13


1.Zhou, L. #, Lian, C. #, He, Y.#, Li, M., Zhong, Z., Chen, H., Wang, M., , Wang, H., Zhang, H., Cao, L., Li, C. 2024.Toxicology assessment of deep-sea mining impacts on Gigantidas platifrons: a comparative in situ and laboratory metal exposure study. Science of the Total Environment 707, 136046. 影响因子9.8,中科院1

2.He, Y.#, Zhou, L#*., Lian, C., , Li, M., Zhong, Z., Chen, H., Wang, M., , Wang, H., Zhang, H., Cao, L., Li, C*. 2024. Integrated transcriptomic and metabolomic approaches reveal molecular response and potential biomarkers of the deep-sea mussel Gigantidas platifrons to copper exposure. Journal of Hazardous Materials,影响因子13.6,中科院1区,

3.Zhou, L., Li, M., Zhong, Z., Chen, H., Wang, M., Lian, C., Wang, H., Zhang, H., Cao, L., Li, C., 2023. Toxicological effects of cadmium on deep-sea mussel Gigantidas platifrons revealed by combined proteomic and metabolomic approaches. Frontiers in Marine Science 10. 影响因子5.247,中科院2

4.Zhou, L., Li, M., Zhong, Z., Wang, M., Chen, H., Lian, C., Wang, H., Zhang, H., Cao, L., Li, C., 2023. Integrated biomarker response to assess toxic impacts of iron and manganese on deep-sea mussel Gigantidas platifrons under a deep-sea mining activity scenario. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. Doi10.1007/s00343-023-3048-y影响因子1.554,中科院2

5.Zhou, L., Li, M., Zhong, Z., Chen, H., Wang, X., Wang, M., Xu, Z., Cao, L., Lian, C., Zhang, H., 2021. Biochemical and metabolic responses of the deep-sea mussel Bathymodiolus platifrons to cadmium and copper exposure. Aquatic Toxicology, 105845. 影响因子5.202,中科院2区,引用次数 15

6.Zhou, L., Cao, L., Wang, X., Wang, M., Wang, H., Zhong, Z., Xu, Z., Chen, H., Li, L., Li, M., Wang, H., Zhang, H., Lian, C., Sun, Y., Li, C., 2020. Metal adaptation strategies of deep-sea Bathymodiolus mussels from a cold seep and three hydrothermal vents in the West Pacific. Science of the Total Environment 707, 136046. 影响因子10.753,中科院1区,引用次数 18

7.Zhou, L., Boyd, C.E., 2016. Comparison of Nessler, phenate, salicylate and ion selective electrode procedures for determination of total ammonia nitrogen in aquaculture (vol 450, pg 187, 2016). Aquaculture 459, 185-185. 影响因子5.135,中科院1区,引用次数 174

8.Zhou, L., Boyd, C.E., 2015a. Ammonia nitrogen management in aquaculture ponds. Aquaculture Magazine 41, 18–21.

9.Zhou, L., Boyd, C.E., 2015b. An assessment of total ammonia nitrogen concentration in Alabama (USA) ictalurid catfish ponds and the possible risk of ammonia toxicity. Aquaculture 437, 263-269. 影响因子5.135,中科院1区,引用次数 40

10. Zhou, L., Boyd, C.E., 2015c. Bluegill yield in response to nitrogen and phosphorus versus phosphorus-only fertilization in ponds at different times since sediment removal. Aquaculture 446, 7-11. 影响因子5.135,中科院1区,引用次数 5

11. Zhou, L., Boyd, C.E., 2014. Total ammonia nitrogen removal from aqueous solutions by the natural zeolite, mordenite: A laboratory test and experimental study. Aquaculture 432, 252-257. 影响因子5.135,中科院1区,引用次数 86