毕海波,男,副研究员,理学博士,主要在海洋遥感与地理信息系统、北极海冰与全球气候变化等前沿领域开展研究。主持了国家自然科学基金项目、崂山实验室、科技部重点研发等课题10余项。以第一/通讯作者在Journal of Climate、The Cryosphere、JGR等学术期刊上发表研究论文40篇。其中,近五年发表第一/通讯论文20余篇(包括JCR一区TOP期刊10篇),并作为合作者在Science杂志发表文章一篇。申报国家发明专利11项(已授权8项),获计算机软件注册权2项,获得奖励2次。协助课题组长培养优秀博士研究生,都以优异的学术成绩毕业,分别获得2020和2023年博士国家奖学金资助。
2. 崂山实验室“十四五”重点研究计划项目,课题负责人,2022.8-2026.7
3. 科技部重点研发项目外协课题“北极向极水汽和能量输运对海冰的影响及机制”,2021-2024。主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金项目(青年),基于多源卫星遥感数据的北极海冰体积输出通量研究,2015/01-2017/12,主持。
4. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,巴芬湾地区海冰输入和输出研究,2021-2023.主持。
5. 中国博士后基金面上项目,北极弗拉姆海峡海冰体积通量研究,2014/08-2016/07,主持。
不同于北极涛动(AO)、北极偶极子(AD),我们研究揭示,当第三主成分分析模态(Barents-Beaufort Oscillation,BBO)在春季出现正相位时,能够有效地通过动力过程促进夏季波弗特和楚科奇海地区海冰密集度的显著减少。
发现了PDO-型的气候背景态变化将使北极偶极子正相位(AD+)大气模态更活跃,揭示了自2000年以来夏季北极太平洋扇区的海冰面积加速减少对海洋背景模态的依赖机制。该研究所揭示的夏季海冰消融物理机制为解释新世纪以来海冰快速变化驱动北冰洋酸化现象提供了佐证(Qi et al., Climate change drives rapid decadal acidification in the Arctic Ocean from 1994 to 2020, Science, 2022)
(1) Y. Liang, H.Bi*, R. Lei,T. Vihma,and H. Huang (2023). Atmospheric latent energy transport pathways into the Arctic and their connections to sea ice loss during winter over the observational period. Journal of Climate. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0789.1
(2) Haibo Bi, Yu Liang, Xiaoyao Chen, (2023), Distinct role of a Spring atmospheric circulation mode in the Arctic sea ice decline in Summer, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, doi:10.1029/2022JD037477
(3) Yu Liang, Haibo Bi*, Haijun Huang, Ruibo Lei, Xi Liang, Bin Cheng. Contribution of warm and moist atmospheric flow to a record minimum July sea ice extent of the Arctic in 2020.(2022)The Cryosphere, 16, 1107–1123.
(4) Bi Haibo , Yunhe Wang, Yu Liang, Weifu Sun, Xi Liang, Qinglong Yu, Zehua Zhang, Xiuli Xu (2021).Influences of Summertime Arctic-Dipole Atmospheric Circulation on Sea Ice Concentration Variations in the Pacific Sector of the Arctic During Different Pacific Decadal Oscillation Phases. Journal of Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0843.1
(5) Liang, Yu., Haibo. Bi*, Y. Wang, H. Huang and Y. Liu (2021). Role of Extratropical Wintertime Cyclones in Regulating the Variations of Baffin Bay Sea Ice Export. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2021, DOI: 10.1029/2020JD033616.
(6) Haibo Bi, Yu Liang, Yunhe Wang, Xi Liang, Zehua Zhang, Haijun Huang. Arctic multiyear sea ice variability observed from satellites: A review. (2020). Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 38, 962–984, 2020
(7) Bi Haibo, Yang Q, Liang X, et al. (2019), Contributions of advection and melting processes to the decline in sea ice in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean. The Cryosphere, 2019, 13(5): 1423-1439.
(8) Bi Haibo, Zhang Z, Wang Y, et al. (2019), Baffin Bay sea ice inflow and outflow: 1978–1979 to 2016–2017. The Cryosphere, 2019, 13(3): 1025-1042.
(9) Wang Y, Yuan X, Bi Haibo*, et al. (2019), The Contributions of Winter Cloud Anomalies in 2011 to the Summer Sea‐Ice Rebound in 2012 in the Antarctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2019, 124(6): 3435-3447.
(10) Bi Haibo, Zhang Jinlun, Wang Yunhe, Fu Min, Huang Haijun, Xu Xiuli. (2018) Arctic sea ice volume changes in terms of age as revealed from satellite observations, IEEE journal of selected topics on remote sensing application, 11(8):3123-3134.
1.毕海波, 王云鹤, 梁钰, 张泽华, 刘一霖, 黄海军 (2018). 一种极地海冰漂移矢量可视化算法, 201810988594.x.
2.王云鹤,毕海波,秦克玉, 黄海军(2019). 一种面向ArcGIS极地矢量场可视化角度转换算法, ZL201710674691.7.
3.王云鹤, 毕海波, 刘一霖, 黄海军 (2019). 一种面向IDL语言的海冰密集度求优算法, ZL201711282505.1.
4.王云鹤, 毕海波, 刘艳霞, 黄海军 (2017). 一种面向IDL极地投影转换算法, 201711136796.3.
5. 王云鹤, 毕海波, 黄海军 (2017). 一种面向IDL极地向量场可视化算法, 201711136282.8.
7. 梁钰, 毕海波, 王云鹤, 黄海军(2019) 一种基于海平面气压数据的气旋中心识别和半径估算方,201910743457.3.
8. 梁钰, 毕海波, 王云鹤, 黄海军 (2019) 一种极地水汽输送通量的可视化算法,201910900162.3. (专利)
9. 毕海波,梁钰, 王云鹤, 黄海军 (2019). 一种极地关键通道海冰输出面积的估算方法, 201911132406.4.