深海极端环境与生命过程研究中心,邮箱 xiliu@qdio.ac.cn 电话 0532-82893368
博士后, 地震学实验室,加州理工学院, Pasadena, 2016-2019, 导师:Michael Gurnis
博士,地球物理学, 科罗拉多大学, 2010-2016, 导师: Shijie Zhong, 博士论文: 热与热化学地幔对流模型中的大尺度大地水准面以及其对地幔密度和粘滞度的反映.
理学学士, 地球物理学, 中国科学技术大学, 2006-2010
O.K. Earl 博士后奖金 (2016-2018), 地质与行星科学学院,加州理工学院
1.Liu, X., and S.J. Zhong, Constraining mantle viscosity structure for a thermochemical mantle using the geoid observation, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 17, doi:10.1002/2015GC006161, 2016. 
2.Liu, X., and S.J. Zhong, The long-wavelength geoid from 3-dimensional spherical models of thermal and thermo-chemical mantle convection, J. Geophys. Res., 120, doi:10.1002/2015JB012016, 2015.
3.Zhong, S.J., and X. Liu, The long-wavelength mantle structure and dynamics and their implications for large-scale tectonics and volcanism in the Phanerozoic, Gondwana Res., 10.1016/j.gr.2015.07.007, 2015.
4.Liu, X., and S.J. Zhong, Analysis of marginal stability, heat transfer and boundary layer propoerties for thermal convection in a compressible fluid, Geophys. J. Int, 194, 125-144, 2013.
1.Inferring rheological parameters from topography using the adjoint method, to be submitted.  Liu, X., M. Gurnis, G. Stadler, and J. Rudi,
2.Implementation of transversely isotropic viscosity along slab interface and its effect on subduction zone stress distribution and trench topography, in prep, Liu, X., M. Gurnis, G. Stadler, and J. Rudi
1.Subduction zone viscosity and plate coupling from plate motion and trench topography using adjoint inversions with a free-surface model. 2018, AGU Fall meeting, oral presentation.
2.Formulating transversely isotropic viscosity and free surface boundary condition in subduction zone for a better understanding of the topography. 2017, AGU Fall meeting, oral presentation. 
3.Forward model sensitivity analysis of topography above subduction zone: influence from transversely isotropic viscosity. 2017, Gordon research seminar, oral presentation. 
4.Reconcile mantle dynamic models with compositionally distinct and stable LLSVPs with the observations of the geoid and dynamic topography. 2015, AGU Fall meeting, oral presentation.  
5.The long-wavelength geoid from 3-dimensional spherical models of thermochemical mantle convection. 2014, AGU Fall meeting.
6.Controls on long-wavelength convective structure and the geoid from 3-dimensional mantle convection models. 2014, CGU Mantle and Lithospheric Dynamics Workshop.
7.Influence of chemical piles on convective structure and geoid from 3d spherical mantle convection models. 2013, AGU Fall meeting, oral presentation. 
8.A new technique for marginal linear stability analysis of thermal convection using propagator matrix method and scaling laws for compressible convection. 2011, AGU Fall meeting.
9.The effects of mantle compressibility on mantle dynamics, magmatism and degassing for super-earths. 2010, AGU Fall meeting. 
美国地球物理协会会员,2017年SEDI section里的progame co-convener
Geophysical Journal International (GJI), Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G-cubed), Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (PEPI)等期刊的审稿人