马小川,博士,研究员。分别于中国地质大学(北京)、中国科学院海洋研究所获得工学学士和理学博士学位。2018年-2019年赴美国麻省理工学院-伍兹霍尔海洋研究所访问。目前任国际工程地质与环境协会海洋工程地质委员会委员,中国岩石力学与工程学会海洋工程地质灾害防控分会理事会理事,青岛市地质学会理事,《海洋地质与第四纪地质》与《海洋地质前沿》青年编委,ESPL、JGR、CSR、Natural Hazards等国内外刊物审稿人。一、研究领域
- Yang, L., Ma, X.*, He, Y., Gao, M., Jie Huang, J., Lu, J., Luan, Z. (2024) Spatiotemporal variations in the grain size distribution in the water column and sediments from the Yellow River Delta to distal areas under coastal currents, Journal of Marine Systems 245,103997.
- Ma, X., He, Y., Gao, M., Gong, T. (2024) The morphology and formation of a binary sand ridge in the Beibu Gulf, northwestern South China Sea. Geomorphology 458,109251.
- Ma, X., Li, J., Yan, J., Feng, X., Song, Y., Xu, T., Zhuang, L., Luan, Z. and Zhang, J. (2022) The encountering dune fields in a bidirectional flow system in the northwestern South China Sea: Pattern, morphology, and recent dynamics. Geomorphology 406, 108210
- Yang, L., Ma, X.*, Luan Z., & Yan, J. (2021).The spatial-temporal evolution of heavy metal accumulation in the offshore sediments along the Shandong Peninsula over the last 100 years: Anthropogenic and natural impacts.Environmental Pollution,289:117894.
- Gan Yu, Ma Xiaochuan*, Luan Zhendong, Yan Jun. 2021. The morphology and multifractal features of a guyot in specific topographic vicinity: a case study on the Caroline Ridge, West Pacific. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology.39(5):1591-1604. doi:10.1007/s00343-021-0383-8.
- Ma, X., Yan, J., Song, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, J. and Traykovski, P.A. (2019) Morphology and maintenance of steep dunes near dune asymmetry transitional areas on the shallow shelf (Beibu Gulf, northwest South China Sea). Mar Geol 412, 37-52.
- Zhang, H., Ma, X.*, Zhuang, L. and Yan, J. (2019) Sand waves near the shelf break of the northern South China Sea: morphology and recent mobility. Geo-Marine Letters 39, 19-36.
- Lu, J., Jiang, J., Li, A., and Ma, X., 2018, Impact of Typhoon Chan-hom on the marine environment and sediment dynamics on the inner shelf of the East China Sea: In-situ seafloor observations: Marine Geology, v. 406, p. 72-83.
- Ma, X., Li, J. and Yan, J. (2018) Tide‐induced bedload transport pathways in a multiple‐sand‐ridge system offshore of Hainan Island in the Beibu Gulf, northwest South China Sea. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43, 2738-2753.
- Ma, X., J. Yan, Y. Hou, F. Lin, and X. Zheng (2016), Footprints of obliquely incident internal solitarywaves and internal tides near the shelf break in the northern South China Sea, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JC012009.
- Ma X, Yan J, Luan Z, et al. High-resolution topography measurement of PACMANUS and DESMOS hydrothermal fields using a ROV in Manus basin, Science Bulletin, 2016, 61(15), 1154-1156.
- Ma X., Yan J., Fan, F. (2014). Morphology of submarine barchans and sediment transport in barchans fields off the Dongfang coast in Beibu Gulf. Geomorphology, 213, 213-224.
Ma Xiaochuan, Yan Jun, Fan Fengxin, Yao Ping, 2013. Response of bedload transport,submarine topography, and dune internal structures to typhoon processes offDongfang coast in the Beibu Gulf, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 32(4), 27-40.