 蒋富清,男,理学博士,研究员。1995年毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)地层学和古生物学专业,20017月在中国科学院海洋研究所获海洋地质学博士学位。20018月至今在中科院海洋研究所从事海洋地质研究工作。2005年赴美国北卡罗来纳州立大学进行学术访问。2011—2012年,在德国亥姆霍兹基尔海洋研究中心(GEOMAR)与Martin Frank教授开展合作研究,通过放射性成因SrNd同位素,对西菲律宾海风尘源区识别、风尘通量及其古气候意义进行了系统研究。2014年应邀作为沉积学家参加了“国际大洋发现计划”(IODP351航次。主持/完成国家自然基金项目6项;多次作为首席科学家,完成国家专项和“973”项目在西太平洋海域海洋地质调查和研究任务。获得省部级奖励4次,已发表学术论文70余篇,培养研究生10名。


1)沉积物源示踪研究:通过多种示踪指标(如: 沉积物粒度、碎屑矿物和粘土矿物、元素和同位素地球化学等),开展第四纪以来东亚河流-边缘海-深海沉积体系沉积物来源、变化规律及其控制因素的研究。




招生专业: 海洋地质,地质工程

招生方向: 海洋沉积学,海洋地质工程




E-mail: fqjiang@qdio.ac.cn














(1)Jiang F.*, Zhang Z, Zhang Z., Zhang G. et al., Provenance of colorless and brown volcanic glass in late Pleistocene tephra layers in the Western Philippine Sea Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-024-3182-1, 2024.

(2)蒋富清*, 周晓静, 李传顺. 220 ka以来西菲律宾海黏土矿物输入变化及其控制因素. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 43(5), 85-95. 2023.

(3)Yan Y., Jiang F.,* Zeng Z.,* Zhang Z., Zheng H., Response of eolian quartz flux and grain size in the Parece Vela Basin sediment to the mid-Pleistocene transition. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 236,105332 2022.

(4)Feng X., Jiang F.,* Zhang Z.,* Xiong Z. et al., Long eccentricity forcing Asian dust input into the northwestern Pacific during the early Pleistocene. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 596, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.palaeo.2022.110963, 2022.

(5)杨佳毅,蒋富清*, 颜钰 等,上新世以来伊豆-小笠原海脊黏土矿物的来源与古气候意义. 地学前缘,29 (4),73-83, 2022.

(6)Zhang Z., Jiang F.,* Li T.* et al., Sea-level changes controlled detrital sediment inputs to the Bicol Shelf in the western Philippine Sea since 150 ka. J.Oceanol. Limnol., 38(4), 1153-1168, 2020.

(7)Jiang F.,* Zhu X., Li T. et al., Increased dust deposition in the Parece Vela Basin since the mid-Pleistocene inferred from radiogenic Sr and Nd isotopes. Global Planet. Change, 173, 83-95, 2019.

(8)Jiang F.,* Xiong Z., Frank M. et al., The evolution and control of detrital sediment provenance in the middle and northern Okinawa Trough since the last deglaciation: Evidence from Sr and Nd isotopes. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol., 522,1-11, 2019.

(9)朱潇,蒋富清*, 冯旭光 等,菲律宾海沉积物中石英的来源及其搬运方式. 海洋与湖沼,49(6), 1190-1202, 2018.

(10)Jiang F.,* Zhou Y., Nan Q. et al., Contribution of Asian dust and volcanic material to the western Philippine Sea over the last 220 kyr as inferred from grain size and Sr-Nd isotopes, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121, 6911-6928, 2016.

(11)刘华华,蒋富清*,周烨 等.晚更新世以来奄美三角盆地黏土矿物的来源及其对古气候的指示.地球科学进展,31( 3), 286-297, 2016.

(12)周烨,蒋富清*,南青云 等.奄美三角盆地晚更新世以来碎屑沉积物粒度特征及其物源和古气候意义.地球科学进展, 31(3), 298-309, 2016.

(13)Arculus R J, Ishizuka O, Bogus K A, Gurnis M C, Hickey-Vargas R, Aljahdali M H, Bandini A N, Barth A P, Brandl P A, Drab L, Guerra R M, Hamada M, Jiang F et al., Widespread proto-arc basalt emplacement accompanied the birth of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc, Nature Geoscience, 8, 728-733, 2015

(14)Arculus, R.J., Ishizuka, O., Bogus, K., Aljahdali, M.H., Bandini-Maeder, A.N., Barth, A.P., Brandl, P.A., do Monte Guerra, R., Drab, L., Gurnis, M.C., Hamada, M., Hickey-Vargas, R.L., Jiang, F., et al., Site U1438. In Arculus, R.J., Ishizuka, O., Bogus, K., and the Expedition 351 Scientists, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, Expedition 351: Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc Origins: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program). http://dx.doi.org/ 10.14379/iodp.proc.351.103. 2015.

(15)Jiang F.,* Frank M., Li T. et al., Asian dust input in the western Philippine Sea: Evidence from radiogenic Sr and Nd isotopes, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 14, 1538-1551, 2013.

(16)Jiang F.,* Li A. and Li T., Sediment pathway of the East China Sea inferred from an R-mode factor analysis of surface sediments in the Okinawa Trough. Quaternary International, 230, 13-20, 2011.

(17)Jiang F.,* Li A., Li T., Sedimentary response to volcanic activity in the Okinawa Trough since last deglaciation. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 28(1), 171-182, 2010.

(18)Jiang F.,* Zhou X., Li A. and Li T., Quantitatively distinguish sediments from the Changjiang and Huanghe River using δEuN-ΣREEs plot. Science in China, series D, 52(2), 232-241, 2009.