 翟晓凡,女,2021年中国科协青年托举人才项目入选者中国科学院海洋研究所副研究员。主要从事海洋环境微生物腐蚀机制、极端环境腐蚀微生物群落与海洋生物污损防护技术研究。以第一/通讯作者在Corrosion ScienceJournal of Materials Science & Technology等国际顶级腐蚀防护专业期刊发表SCI论文25篇,获得国家授权发明专利15项,获得省部级学术奖励4项、个人奖3项,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、山东省重点研发计划、中国科学院特别交流计划等多项国家及省部级科研项目。兼任中国腐蚀与防护学会青年工作委员会委员、Corrosion Communications青年编委、中国腐蚀与防护学报青年编委及Frontiers in Chemistry专刊客座编辑。










1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51万元,主持,在研

2. 中国科协青年人才托举项目,45万元,主持,在研

3. 大中型企业委托项目,117万元,主持,在研

4. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,10万元,主持,在研

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,24万元,主持,结题

6. 山东省重点研发计划,20万元,主持,结题


1. 翟晓凡(3/5)山东省自然科学二等奖, 2020

2. 翟晓凡(2/10)海洋科学技术奖二等奖, 2020

3. 山东省腐蚀与防护学会青年创新人才奖

4. 日本水流徹教授杰出青年学者奖

5. 中国工程院重大咨询项目重要贡献奖


[1] Xiaofan Zhai, Peng Ju*, Fang Guan, Jizhou Duan*, Nan Wang, Yimeng Zhang, Ke Li, Baorong Hou, Biofilm inhibition mechanism of BiVO4 inserted zinc matrix in marine isolated bacteria, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 75, 86-95.

[2] Fang Guan, Jizhou Duan*, Xiaofan Zhai*, Nan Wang, Jie Zhang, Dongzhu Lu, Baorong Hou, Interaction between sulfate-reducing bacteria and aluminum alloys-Corrosion mechanisms of 5052 and Al-Zn-In-Cd aluminum alloys, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2020, 36, 55-64.

[3] Jing Yang, Peng Ju*, Xucheng Dong, Jizhou Duan, Hui Xiao, Xuexi Tang, Xiaofan Zhai*, Baorong Hou, Green synthesis of functional metallic nanoparticles by dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria "Shewanella": A comprehensive review. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2023, 158, 63-76.

[4] Ying Gao, Xiaofan Zhai*, Yuxin Zhang, Fang Guan, Nazhen Liu, Xiutong Wang, Jie Zhang, Baorong Hou, Jizhou Duan*, Developing high photocatalytic antibacterial Zn electrodeposited coatings through Schottky junction with Fe3+-doped alkalized g-C3N4 photocatalysts. Nano Materials Science, 2023, 5, 177–188.

[5] Xiaofan Zhai, Maria Myamina, Jizhou Duan*, Baorong Hou. Microbial corrosion resistance of galvanized coatings with 4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one as a biocidal ingredient in electrolytes. Corrosion Science, 2013, 72(4), 99-107. 

[6] Xiaofan Zhai, Nazhen Liu, Peng Ju*, Quantong Jiang, Xin Liu, Fang Guan, Yadong Ren, Jizhou Duan*, Baorong Hou. Novel BiPO4-Zn electrodeposited coatings with highly enhanced photocatalytic antibacterial activities controlled by ultrasound and EDTA-2Na. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 937, 168338.

[7] Xiaofan Zhai, Congtao Sun, Ke Li, Maria Agievich, Jizhou Duan *, Baorong Hou. Composite deposition mechanism of 4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one in zinc films for enhanced corrosion resistant properties. Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 2016, 36:147-153. 

[8] Jing Yang, Xiaofan Zhai*, Xucheng Dong, Liuhui Zhao, Yu Zhang, Hui Xiao*, Peng Ju, Jizhou Duan, Xuexi Tang, Baorong Hou. Peroxidase-like phosphate hydrate nanosheets bio-synthesized by a marine Shewanella algae strain for highly sensitive dopamine detection. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2023, 225, 113248.

[9] Xiaofan Zhai*, Ke Li, Fang Guan, Congtao Sun, Jizhou Duan*, Baorong Hou. Corrosion behavior of the chitosan‑zinc composite films in sulfate-reducing bacteria. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2018, 344, 259-268. 

[10] Xiaofan Zhai*, Ke Li, Fang Guan, Nan Wang, Maria Agievich, Jizhou Duan*, Baorong Hou. Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of Zn-Ferrocene coatings with high anticorrosive properties in alkaline environments. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2018, 356, 19-28.