2. 生物与医药,海洋生物工程方向
(4)国家重点研发计划项目“海上放射性事件跟踪监测与应急处置技术和装备研究”,课题7“污染扩散区低浓度核素环境修复技术研究”,子任务“污染扩散区低浓度核素生物修复”, 2016-2020年,负责人
(6)中国科学院海洋研究所 汇泉学者人才项目,2018-2020年
(1) 4个国审新品种:海带“中宝1号”(第2完成人)、海带“205”(第3完成人)、裙带菜“海宝1号”(第2完成人)和“海宝2号”(第4完成人)
(4)“海洋核污染自动跟踪监测与环境修复关键技术研发及应用”, 海洋科学技术奖,二等奖,2022年,排名第四。
(1)Hu ZM, Shan TF, Zhang QS, Liu FL, Jueterbock A, Wang G, Sun ZM, Wang XY, Chen WZ, Critchley AT, Ye NH (2024) Kelp breeding in China: Challenges and opportunities for solutions. Reviews in Aquaculture. 16:855–871(共同一作)
(2)Shan T, Pang S, Li Y, Schiller J, Lackschewitz D, Bischof K (2023) Comparison of mitochondrial DNA sequences points to the European populations as the direct origin of Undaria pinnatifida that has spread to the northern Wadden Sea. Aquat Bot 188: 103671
(3)Shan T, Li Y, Pang S (2023) A newly discovered subtidal population of Undaria pinnatifida was determined not to be founded recently by the zoospores discharged from a nearby hatchery. J Appl Phycol 35:1957–1965
(4)Shan T, Li Y, Pang S. (2023) Identification of a genomic region linked with sex determination of Undaria pinnatifida (Alariaceae) through genomic resequencing and genetic linkage analyses of a segregating gametophyte family. Journal of Phycology 59:193-203
(5)Shan T, Li Y, Pang S. (2022) Genetic diversity of Undaria pinnatifida populations from China and their genetic relationship with those from Japan and Korea as revealed by mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Botanica Marina 65(3): 185–195
(6)Shan T, Pang S, Wang X, Li J (2021) The inheritable characteristics of monoicy and parthenogenesis provide a means for establishing a doubled haploid population in the economically important brown alga Undaria pinnatifida (Laminariales, Alariaceae). Journal of Phycology 57:1026-1034.
(7)Shan T, Pang S (2021) Breeding in the Economically Important Brown Alga Undaria pinnatifida: A Concise Review and Future Prospects. Front. Genet. 12:801937
(8)Shan T, Pang S, Wang X, Li J, Li Q, Su L, Li X (2020) A method to establish an “immortalized F2” sporophyte population in the economic brown alga Undaria pinnatifida (Laminariales: Alariaceae). Journal of Phycology 56:1748–1753.
(9)Shan T, Yuan J, Su L, Li J, Leng X, Zhang Y, Gao H, Pang S (2020) First Genome of the Brown Alga Undaria pinnatifida: Chromosome-Level Assembly Using PacBio and Hi-C Technologies. Frontiers in Genetics 11:140.
(10)Shan T, Li Q, Wang X, Pang S (2020) Full-length transcriptome sequencing and comparative transcriptomic analysis of different developmental stages of the sporophyll in Undaria pinnatifida (Laminariales: Alariaceae). J Appl Phycol. 32:2081-2092
(11)Shan T, Li Q, Wang X, Su L, Pang S (2019) Assessment of the genetic connectivity between farmed populations on a typical kelp farm and adjacent spontaneous populations of Saccharina japonica (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales) in China. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:494
(12)Shan TF, Pang SJ, Wang XM, Li J, Su L, Schiller J, Lackschewitz D, Hall- Spencer JM, Bischof K (2019) Genetic analysis of a recently established Undaria pinnatifida (Laminariales: Alariaceae) population in the northern Wadden Sea reveals close proximity between drifting thalli and the attached population. Eur J Phycol 54 (2):154-161.
(13)Shan T, Pang S, Wang X, Li J, Su L (2018) Assessment of the genetic connectivity between farmed and wild populations of Undaria pinnatifida (Phaeophyceae) in a representative traditional farming region of China by using newly developed microsatellite markers. J Appl Phycol 30 (4):2707-2714.
(14)Shan T, Yotsukura N, Pang S (2017) Novel implications on the genetic structure of representative populations of Saccharina japonica (Phaeophyceae) in the Northwest Pacific as revealed by highly polymorphic microsatellite markers. J Appl Phycol 29:631–638
(15)Shan TF, Pang SJ, Li J, Gao SQ (2016) Breeding of an elite cultivar Haibao No. 1 of Undaria pinnatifida (Phaeophyceae) through gametophyte clone crossing and consecutive selection. J Appl Phycol 28:2419–2426