周毅,男,博士,中国科学院海洋研究所研究员,博士生导师。2000年于中国科学院海洋研究所获海洋生物学博士学位。2007.12008.1,加拿大Dalhousie大学访问学者。入选山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家青岛市拔尖人才等。曾获省部级奖励十余项;获2021年度中国科学院优秀导师奖及2022年度中国科学院大学领雁奖。为国际SCI期刊Frontiers in Plant Science 副主编,Aquaculture Environment Interactions AEI)、Frontiers in Marine Science编委。兼任自然资源部黄渤海温带海草床生态系统野外科学观测研究站副站长;中国海洋湖沼学会海岸带可持续发展分会理事,中国滨海蓝碳观测研究联盟副理事长,农业农村部及山东省海洋牧场建设专家咨询委员会委员。










查明了中国温带沿海海草床分布现状及退化机制,揭示了海草床重要生物功能群与海草间的互作关系;研发了系列海草床生态修复技术以及海洋牧场海草床生境构建技术,包括植株移植和种子播种技术;阐明了近海养殖滤食性贝类在水层—底栖系统中的耦合机制,构建了基于生态系统水平的浅海多营养级综合养殖模式。在Water Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Conservation Biology, Plant Cell & Environment, Science of the Total Environment, iScience, Diversity and Distributions, Aquaculture, Environmental Pollution, Ecological Indicators, Frontiers in Plant Science, Plant Methods, Restoration Ecology等国内外学术刊物上发表论文180余篇,其中SCI收录120余篇。以第一发明人授权国家发明专利14项。曾获海洋工程科学技术奖一等奖(排名1)、青岛市科技进步二等奖(1)、国家海洋局海洋创新成果二等奖(236)、山东省技术发明一等奖(4)、山东省科技进步奖一等奖(7)、中国水产学会范蠡科学技术奖特等奖(9)、中国科学院科技促进发展奖科技贡献奖等多项奖项。


[1]周毅,江志坚,邱广龙,张沛东,徐少春,张晓梅,刘松林,李文涛,吴云超,岳世栋,顾瑞婷,丁丽,郑凤英,黄小平,范航清. 中国海草资源分布现状、退化原因与保护对策. 海洋与湖沼,202354(5)1248-1257.

[2]周毅,徐少春,张晓梅,顾瑞婷,岳世栋. 海洋牧场海草床生境构建技术.科技促进发展, 2020, 16(2)200-205.

[3]周毅, . 中华人民共和国国家标准,《GB/T 41339.4-2023海洋生态修复技术指南 第4部分:海草床生态修复》. 发布日期:2023-05-23, 实施日期:2022-12-01.

[4]Zhang Yu, Yue Shidong, Gao Yaping, Zhao Peng, Liu Mingjie, Qiao Yongliang, Xu Shaochun, Gu Ruiting, Zhang Xiaomei, Zhou Yi* Insights into response of seagrass (Zostera marina) to sulfide exposure at morphological, physiochemical and molecular levels in context of coastal eutrophication and warming. Plant Cell & Environment, 2024, 15048.

[5]Suonan Zhaxi, Kim Seung Hyeon, Yue Shidong, Jo Eunhye, Zhang Fei, Kim Hyegwang, Qin Le-Zheng, Cha Jaeho, Zhou Yi, Lee Kun-Seop. The roles of seagrass litter decomposition in determining blue carbon sink capacity. Limnology and Oceanography, 2024691204-1217

[6]Zhang Xiaomei, Li Yu-Long, Kaldy James E, Suonan Zhaxi, Xu Shaochun, Xu Min, Wang Feng, Komatsu Teruhisa, Lee Kun-Seop, Liu Jin-Xian, Zhou Yi *. Population genetic patterns across the native and invasive range of a most widely distributed seagrass: processes, invasive history and conservation implications. Diversity and Distributions, 2024, 30(3): e13803.

[7]Xu Shaochun, Kaldy James E., Zhang Xiaomei, Yue Shidong, Suonan Zhaxi, Zhou Yi*. Comparison of metals in eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) and the environment across the North Pacific Ocean: Environmental processes drive source delivery. Environmental Pollution, 2024, 343:123096.

[8]Zhang Yu, Yue Shidong, Liu Mingjie, Wang Xinhua, Xu Shaochun, Zhang Xiaomei, Zhou Yi*. Combined transcriptome and proteome analysis reveal the key physiological processes in seed germination stimulated by decreased salinity in the seagrass Zostera marina L. BMC Plant Biology, 2023, 23:605.

[9]Xu Shaochun, Zhou Yi*, Qiao Yongliang, Yue Shidong, Zhang Xiaomei, Zhang Yu, Liu Mingjie, Zhang Yunling, Zhang Zhenhai. Seagrass restoration using seed ball burial in northern China. Restoration Ecology, 2023, 31:e13691.

[10]Xu ShaochunYu Zonghe Zhou YiYue ShidongLiang JunhuaZhang Xiaomei. The potential for large-scale kelp aquaculture to counteract marine eutrophication by nutrient removal. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, 187114513

[11]Xu Shaochun, Zhang Yu, Zhou Yi*, Xu Shuai, Yue Shidong, Liu Mingjie, Zhang Xiaomei. Warming northward shifting southern limits of the iconic temperate seagrass (Zostera marina).  iScience, 202225, 104755.

[12]Qiao Yongliang, Zhang Yu, Xu Shaochun, Yue Shidong, Zhang Xiaomei, Liu Mingjie, Sun Lingling, Jia Xiaoping, Zhou Yi*. Multi-leveled insights into the response of the eelgrass Zostera marina L to Cu than Cd exposure. Science of the Total Environment, 2022845157057.  

[13]Xu Shaochun, Xu Shuai, Zhou Yi*, Yue Shidong, Zhang Xiaomei, Gu Ruiting, Zhang Yu, Qiao Yongliang, Liu Mingjie, Zhang Yunling, Zhang Zhenhai. Do adult eelgrass shoots rule seedling fate in a large seagrass meadow in a eutrophic bay in northern China?  Marine Pollution Bulletin2022178113499.

[14]Zhang Yu, Xu Shaochun,Yue Shidong, Zhang Xiaomei, Qiao Yongliang, Liu Mingjie, Zhou Yi*. Reciprocal field transplant experiment and comparative transcriptome analysis provide insights into differences in seed germination time of two populations from different geographic regions of Zostera marina L. Frontiers in Plant Science2022, 12: 793060.

[15]Gu Ruiting, Lin Haiying, Zhou Yi*, Song Xiaoyue, Xu Shaochun, Yue Shidong, Zhang Yu, Xu Shuai, Zhang Xiaomei. Programmed responses of different life-stages of the seagrass Ruppia sinensis to copper and cadmium exposure. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 403:123875.

[16]Yue Shidong, Zhang XiaomeiXu Shaochun, Liu Mingjie, Qiao Yongliang, Zhang Yu, Liang Junhua, Wang Andong, Zhou Yi*. The super typhoon Lekima (2019) resulted in massive losses in large seagrass (Zostera japonica) meadows, soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools in the intertidal Yellow River Delta, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 793: 148398.

[17]Xu Shaochun, Zhou Yi*, Wang Pengmei, Wang Feng, Zhang Xiaomei, Yue Shidong, Zhang Yu, Qiao Yongliang, Liu Mingjie. Temporal-spatial variations in the elemental and stable isotope contents of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea, northern China: Sheath as a novel ecological indicator for geochemical research. Ecological Indicators, 2021,121107181.

[18]Zhang Yu, Zhao Peng, Yue Shidong, Liu Mingjie, Qiao Yongliang, Xu Shaochun, Gu Ruiting, Zhang Xiaomei, Zhou Yi*. New insights into physiological effects of anoxia under darkness on the iconic seagrass Zostera marina based on a combined analysis of transcriptomics and metabolomics. Science of the Total Environment, 2021,768:144717.

[19]Zhao Peng, Liu Shuming, Zhou Yi, Tim Lynch, Lu Wenhu, Zhang Tao, Yang Hongsheng. Estimating animal population size with very high resolution satellite imagery. Conservation Biology, 2021, 35(1): 316–324.

[20]Yue Shidong, Zhou Yi*, Xu Shaochun, Zhang Xiaomei, Liu Mingjie, Qiao Yongliang, Gu Ruiting, Xu Shuai, Zhang Yu. Can the non-native salt marsh halophyte Spartina alterniflora threaten native seagrass (Zostera japonica) habitats? a case study in the Yellow River Delta, China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 643425.

[21]Liu Xujia, He Xugang, Huang Guoqiang, Zhou Yi*, Lai Junxiang. Bioremediation by the mullet Mugil cephalus feeding on organic deposits produced by intensive shrimp mariculture. Aquaculture, 2021, 541: 736674.

[22]Xu Shaochun, Yu Zonghe, Zhou Yi*, Wang Feng, Yue Shidong, Zhang Xiaomei. Insights into spatiotemporal distributions of trace elements in kelp (Saccharina japonica) and seawater of the western Yellow Sea, northern China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 774: 145544.

[23]Gu Ruiting, Song Xiaoyue, Zhou Yi*, Xu Shaochun, Xu Shuai, Yue Shidong, Zhang Yu, Zhang Xiaomei. Relationships between annual and perennial seagrass (Ruppia sinensis) populations and their sediment geochemical characteristics in the Yellow River Delta. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 634199.

[24]Xu Shaochun, Xu Shuai, Zhou Yi*, Yue Shidong, Zhang Xiaomei, Gu Ruiting, Zhang Yu, Qiao Yingliang, Liu Mingjie.  Long-term changes in the unique and largest seagrass meadows in the Bohai Sea (China) using satellite (1974–2019) and sonar Data: Implication for conservation and restoration. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13: 856.

[25]Zhang Xiaomei, Zhou Yi*, Xu Shaochun, Wang Pengmei, Yue Shidong, Gu Ruiting, Song Xiaoyue, Xu Shuai, Liu Jin-Xian. Differences in reproductive effort and sexual recruitment of the seagrass Zostera japonica between two geographic populations in northern China. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2020, 638: 65–81

[26]Zhang Xiaomei, Zhou Yi*, Adams Matthew P., Wang Feng, Xu Shaochun, Wang Pengmei, Liu Peng, Liu Xujia, Yue Shidong. Plant morphology and seed germination responses of seagrass (Zostera japonica) to water depth and light availability in Ailian Bay, northern China. Marine Environmental Research. 2020, 162:105082.

[27]Xu Shaochun, Zhou Yi*, Xu Shuai, Gu Ruiting, Yue Shidong, Zhang Yu, Zhang Xiaomei.. Seed selection and storage with nano-silver and copper as potential antibacterial agents for the seagrass Zostera marina: implications for habitat restoration. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 20249.

[28]Yue Shidong, Zhang Yu, Zhou Yi*, Xu Shaochun, Xu Shuai, Zhang Xiaomei, Gu Ruiting. Optimal long-term seed storage conditions for the endangered seagrass Zostera japonica: implications for habitat conservation and restoration. Plant Methods, 2019, 15:158.

[29]Xu Shuai, Xu Shaochun, Zhou Yi*, Zhao Peng, Yue Shidong, Song Xiaoyue, Zhang Xiaomei, Gu Ruiting, Zhang Yu. Single beam sonar reveals the distribution of the eelgrass Zostera marina L. and threats from the green tide macroalgae Chaetomorpha linum K. in Swan-Lake lagoon (China). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 145:611–623.

[30]Zhang Xiaomei, Lin Haiying, Song Xiaoyue, Xu Shaochun, Yue Shidong, Gu Ruiting, Xu Shuai, Zhu Shuyu, Zhao Yajie, Zhang Shuyan, Han Guangxuan, Wang Andong, Sun Tao, Zhou Yi*. A unique meadow of the marine angiosperm Zostera japonica, covering a large area in the turbid intertidal Yellow River Delta, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 686:118-130.

[31]Gu Ruiting, Zhou Yi*, Song Xiaoyue, Xu Shaochun, Zhang Xiaomei, Lin Haiying, Xu Shuai, Yue Shidong, Zhu Shuyu. Tolerance of Ruppia sinensis seeds to desiccation, low temperature, and high salinity with special reference to long-term seed storage. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9:221.

[32]Song Xiaoyue, Lin Chenggang, Zhou Yi*, Wang Xianfeng, Gu Ruiting, Xu Shaochun, Xu Qiang, Chen Kang, Yang Hongsheng. Feeding preference of Apostichopus japonicus: comparing carbon stable isotope analysis and carbon budget approach. Aquaculture Environment Interactions. 2018, 10: 243–253.

[33]Xu Shaochun. Wang Pengmei, Zhou Yi*, Zhang Xiaomei, Gu Ruiting, Liu Xujia, Liu Bingjian, Song Xiaoyue, Xu Shuai, Yue Shidong, New insights into different reproductive effort and sexual recruitment contribution between two geographic Zostera marina L. populations in temperate China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 15.

[34]Wang Feng, Zhou Yi*, Wang Pengmei, Xu Shaochun, Liu Peng. Potential role of scallops (Argopecten irradians) in deposition of particulate nutrient and trace elements in a eutrophic estuary, northern China. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 2018, 10: 135–147.

[35]Gu Ruiting, Zhou Yi*, Song Xiaoyue, Xu Shaochun, Zhang Xiaomei, Lin Haiying, Xu Shuai, Zhu Shuyu. Effects of temperature and salinity on Ruppia sinensis seed germination, seedling establishment, and seedling growth. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018, 134:177-185.  

[36]Xu Qinzeng, Liu Bingjian, Zhou Yi*. Does the eelgrass meadow influence the macrobenthic community structure in Swan Lake, Northern China? Marine Biodiversity, 2018, 48:1337-1344.

[37]Song Xiaoyue, Xu Qiang, Zhou Yi*, Lin Chenggang, Yang Hongsheng. Growth, feed utilization and energy budgets of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus with different diets containing the green tide macroalgae Chaetomorpha linum and the seagrass Zostera marina. Aquaculture, 2017, 470:157–163.

[38]Wang Feng, Xu Shaochun, Zhou Yi*. Wang Pengmei, Zhang Xiaomei. Trace element exposure of whooper swans (Cygnus cygnus) wintering in a marine lagoon (Swan Lake), northern China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 119:60-67.

[39]Xu Shaochun, Zhou Yi*, Wang Pengmei, Wang Feng, Zhang Xiaomei, Gu Ruiting. Salinity and temperature significantly influence seed germination, seedling establishment, and seedling growth of the eelgrass Zostera marina L. PeerJ, 2016, 4:e2697.

[40]Lin Haiying, Sun Tao, Zhou Yi*, Zhang Xiaomei. Anti-oxidative feedback and biomarkers in the intertidal seagrass Zostera japonica caused by exposure to cooper, lead and cadmium. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016, 109: 325–333.

[41]Zhang Xiaomei, Zhou Yi*, Liu Peng, Wang Feng, Liu Bingjian, Liu Xiujia, Yang Hongsheng. Temporal pattern in biometrics and nutrient stoichiometry of the intertidal seagrass Zostera japonica and its adaptation to air exposure in a temperate marine lagoon (China): implications for restoration and management. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, 94:103-113.

[42]Zhou Yi, Liu Xujia, Liu Bingjian, Liu Peng, Wang Feng, Zhang Xiaomei, Yang Hongsheng.  Unusual pattern in characteristics of the eelgrass Zostera marina L. in a shallow lagoon (Swan Lake), north China: implications on the importance of seagrass conservationAquatic Botany, 2015, 120:178–184.

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[44]Zhang Xiaomei, Zhou Yi*, Liu Peng, Wang Feng, Liu Bingjian, Liu Xujia,Xu Qiang,Yang Hongsheng. Temporal pattern in the bloom-forming macroalgae Chaetomorpha linum and Ulva pertusa in seagrass beds, Swan Lake lagoon, North China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2014, 89(1-2) : 229–238.

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[46]Zhou Yi, Yang Hongsheng, Zhang Tao, Liu Shilin, Zhang Shumei, Liu Qun, Xiang Jianhai, Zhang Fusui. Influence of filtering and biodeposition by the cultured scallop Chlamys farreri on benthic-pelagic coupling in a eutrophic bay in China. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2006, 317:127-141.

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[49]Zhou Yi, Sheng Guoying, Fu Jiamo, Geng Ansong, Chen Jun-heng, Zhang Qiming. A study of triterpane and sterane biomarkers in the YA13-1 condensates from Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea. Chemical Geology, 2003, 199: 343-359.

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