窦硕增,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师。1988、 1990年毕业于中国海洋大学海洋生物资源生态学专业,分别获学士、硕士学位; 1994年获中科院海洋所海洋生物学博士学位。1996-1998年在日本东京大学从事博士后研究工作;2001-2005年任东京大学研究员、客座副教授。
Email: szdou@qdio.ac.cn
Tel. 0532-8289-8842、8924
1. 渔业种群关键资源补充过程及其环境驱动机制。973课题。
2. 复合污染胁迫下近海主要生物资源衰退机制。973课题。
3. 鱼类和底栖生物与灾害水母数量变动的相互关系。973课题。
4. 长江口及其邻近水域刀鲚资源补充机制和洄游履历研究。国家自然科学基金项目。
5. 基于耳石信息研究长江口-舟山水域带鱼繁殖-生长过程的演变机制。国家自然科学基金项目。
6. 我国典型近海生态系统演变过程与机制(I、II期)。国家自然科学基金创新群体项目。
7. 海洋生态系统关键生物生产过程及其资源效应。国家基金委-山东省联合基金项目(I、II期)。
8. 核电厂温排水的环境影响评价方法及其排放控制研究。国家科技重大专项
1. 构建了基于耳石显微结构-微化学组成-种群生态学分析、同时获取鱼类的日龄或年龄、元素指纹及其生物生态学信息、以此重建鱼类生活史和反演其环境履历的研究方法,以此研究了刀鲚、带鱼等鱼类生活史的演变特征与机制。
2. 渔业种群资源补充过程、驱动基础及种群调节机制。系统解释了鱼类种群的繁殖发育、生长存活、仔鱼运输、死亡等关键资源补充过程及其环境驱动基础;解释了其早期发育、生长存活、抗氧化系统和免疫功能等生命过程对近海污染物毒性的生理响应,以及污染物在海洋食物网上的传递累积和生物放大作用。


1. Tian H.L., Liu J.H., Cao L., Dou S.Z.*, 2022. Otolith development and elemental incorporation in response to seawater acidification in flounder Paralichthys olivaceus at early life stages. Fisheries Research, 252 (2022), 106359.

2. Yu X., Huang W.*, Wang Y.J., Wang Y.T., Cao L., Yang Z., Dou S.Z.*, 2022. Microplastic pollution in the environment and organisms of Xiangshan Bay, East China Sea: an area of intensive mariculture. Water Research, 212 (2022), 118117.

3. Cui W.T., Liu J.H., Cao L.*, Dou S.Z.*, 2022. Toxicological effects of cadmium on the immune response and biomineralization of larval flounder Paralichthys olivaceus under seawater acidification. Chemosphere, 291 (2022), 132919.

4. Tian H.L., Liu J.H., Cao L., Zhao B., Dou S.Z.*, 2021. Temperature and salinity effects on strontium and barium incorporation into otoliths in flounder Paralichthys olivaceus at early life stages. Fisheries Research, 239 (2021), 105942.

5. Xu L.L., Cao L., Huang W., Liu J.H. and Dou S.Z.*, 2021. Assessment of plastic pollution in the Bohai Sea: abundance, spatial distribution and characteristics. Environmental Pollution, 278 (2021), 116874.

6. Cui W.T., Cao L., Liu J.H., Ren Z.H., Zhao, B., Dou S.Z*, 2020. Effects of seawater acidification and cadmium on the antioxidant defense of flounder Paralichthys olivaceus larvae. Science of the Total Environment, 718 (2020), 137234.

7. Liu J.H., Cao L., Dou S.Z.*, 2019. Trophic transfer, biomagnification and risk assessment of four heavy metals in the food web of Laizhou Bay, the Bohai Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 670, 508-522.

8. Liu J.H., Cao L., Dou S.Z. *, 2017. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals and health risk assessment in three benthic bivalves along the coast of Laizhou Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 117 (2017), 8-110.

9. Dou S.Z., Yokouchi K., Yu X., Cao L., Kuroki M., Otake T., Tsukamoto K., 2012. Migratory history of anadromous and non-anadromous tapertail anchovy Coilia nasus in the Yangtze River Estuary revealed by otolith Sr:Ca ratio. Environmental Biology of Fishes 95, 481–490.

10. Cao L., Huang J.H., Shan X.J., Ye Z.J., Dou S.Z. *, 2012. Tissue-specific accumulation of cadmium and its effects on antioxidative responses in Japanese flounder juveniles. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 33 (1), 16–25.

11. Shan X.J., Xiao Z.Z., Huang W., Dou S.Z. *, 2008. Effects of photoperiod on survival, growth and ontogenetic development of digestive enzymes in miiuy croaker larvae. Aquaculture 281 (1/4), 70-76.

12. Dou S., Masuda R., Tanaka M., Tsukamoto K. 2005. Effects of temperature and delayed initial feeding on the survival and growth of Japanese flounder larvae. Journal of Fish Biology 66 (2), 362–377.

13. Dou S.Z., Masuda R., Tanaka M., Tsukamoto K., 2002. Feeding resumption, morphological changes and mortality during starvation in Japanese flounder larvae. Journal of Fish Biology 60 (6), 1363–1380.

14. Dou S.Z., Seikai T., Tsukamoto K., 2000. Cannibalism in Japanese flounder juvenile, Paralichthys olivaceus, reared under controlled conditions. Aquaculture 182 (1/2), 149–159.

15. Dou S.Z., 1995. Life history cycles of flatfish species in the Bohai Sea, China. Netherlands Journal for Sea Research 34 (1/3), 185–210.

16. Dou S.Z., Chen D.G., 1994. Taxonomy, biology and abundance of icefishes, or noodlefishes (Salangidae) in the Yellow River Estuary of the Bohai Sea, China. Journal of Fish Biology 45 (5), 737–748.