1.海洋微生物腐蚀,山东省科技厅领军人才项目,2023-01 至 2027-12,主持
2. 海水生物浸出金属矿渣研究,中国科学院特别交流计划,2022-01至2023-12,主持
3. 海洋微生物腐蚀,中科院BR-B人才项目,2020-12至2025-12,主持
4. Exploring reaction mechanisms of dissimilatory ferric reduction-coupled sulfur oxidation (DIRSO) by acidophilic prokaryotes and its relevance for bioleaching and acid mine drainage formation,德国科学基金会,2019-01至2021-12,参与
5. Bioprocessing Options for Extraction of Valuable Metals from Mine Tailings in Chile,德国原材料管理局,2017-12至2020-12,主持
6. New mining concept for extracting metals from deep ore deposits using biotechnology, European Union Horizon 2020 sub-projects,2016-08至2018-01,主持
7. 生物浸出过程中胞外多聚物关键组分及其作用机理研究,国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目,2015-01至2018-12,参与
8. Biogenic sulfuric acid corrosion of cementitious material,德国弗劳恩霍夫应用研究促进协会/法国圣戈班/荷兰皇家壳牌,2014-12至2016-07,主持
9. Armenia Bioleaching Microorganisms,德国联邦教育与研究部,2013-08至2014-08,参与
(1) Frontiers in Microbiology 优秀副主编(2023)
1.Anjie Zhou, Shaochu Li, Wolfgang Sand, Xianxin Wang, Yongjuan Geng, Xinze Ban, Zuquan Jin, Ruiyong Zhang. Self-growing composite photocatalytic materials for surface self-renewal of marine antifouling coatings. Separation and Purification Technology, 2025, 354, 129387.
2.Ruiyong Zhang, Editorial: Insights in microbiological chemistry and geomicrobiology: 2022/2023. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2024, 15, 1446765
3.Weichen Xu, Ruiyong Zhang, Jizhou Duan, Donald Terry Greenfield. Corrosion is a global menace to crucial infrastructure - act to stop the rot now. Nature, 2024, 629, 41.
4.Chengpeng Li, Yimeng Zhang, Wenqing Shi, Yongyi Peng, Yingchun Han, Shuqing Jiang, Xiyang Dong, Ruiyong Zhang, Viral diversity within marine biofilms and interactions with corrosive microbes. Environmental Research, 2024, 263, 119991.
5.Xin Zhang, Shijun Zhang, Krishnamurthy Mathivanan, Ruiyong Zhang, Jie Zhang, Quantong Jiang, Wolfgang Sand, Jizhou Duan, Baorong Hou, Research progress and prospects in antifouling performance of photocatalytic sterilization: A review. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024, 208, 189-201.
6.Krishnamurthy Mathivanan, Fuad Ameen, Ruiyong Zhang, Eerla Rakesh. Application of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) in the statistical evaluation of biodiesel production from the neutral lipids of the Coelastrella-Nannochloropsis consortium. Environmental Research, 2024, 243, 117829.
7.Nan Wang, Shaobo Ma, Ruiyong Zhang, Lifei Wang, Yanan Wang, Lihui Yang, Jianhua Li, Fang Guan, Jizhou Duan, Baorong Hou, Regulating N species in N-doped carbon electro-catalysts for high-efficiency synthesis of hydrogen peroxide in simulated seawater. Advanced Science, 2023, 10, 2302446.
8.Yimeng Zhang, Xiaofan Zhai, Fang Guan, Xucheng Dong, Jiawen Sun, Ruiyong Zhang, Jizhou Duan, Binbin Zhang, Baorong Hou. Microbiologically influenced corrosion of steel in coastal surface seawater contaminated by crude oil. npj Materials Degradation, 2022, 6, 35.
9.Ruiyong Zhang, Axel Schippers. Stirred-tank bioleaching of copper and cobalt from mine tailings in Chile. Minerals Engineering, 2022, 180, 107514.
10.Liting Xu, Fang Guan, Yan Ma, Ruiyong Zhang, Yimeng Zhang, Xiaofan Zhai, Xucheng Dong, Yanan Wang, Jizhou Duan, Baorong Hou. Inadequate dosing of THPS treatment increases microbially influenced corrosion of pipeline steel by inducing biofilm growth of Desulfovibrio hontreensis SY-21. Bioelectrochemistry, 2022, 145, 108048